Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nature Nymph

Last day in LA. Well actually I’m not in LA today, I’m on location in the woods. That’s right, in the woods with ticks, rattle snakes and coyotes. Or so I have been warned. Hellooooo. Good to know -- now that I am here and wearing my Prada flip fops. All the better for nature’s wildlife to get me. Had I known, I might have dressed to better brave the elements. But don’t worry everyone, there’s a medic and EMT on stand by so when that rattler slithers up and nips my tootsies because he thinks they are mice (as my Client put it), I’ll be in good care. Really though, I wish I had just gotten the memo. I would have selected more suitable footwear. Been looking for an excuse to showcase Nic’s adorable booties from her Winter Kate collection. Check out these suede beaded moccasins called the Maddie. So darn cute for a day as a nature nymph. (Marie Claire, Natalie Portman)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Road Warrior

I'm on the road again. Will be in LA for a bit and then oh so briefly home before my trip to Buenos Aires. LizzieColeman activity will be sporadic, but I'll try to lob in some goodies as best I can. I still have not purchased a better suitcase. I just don't feel like spending my hard earned duckets on some Tumi fancy pants business. My parents have old school T Anthony, but you almost need a personal porter for those gems and I’m not porter status, yet. And I'm not really into flashy stand out pop art suitcases a la Orla Kiely either. Ick, really not a fan. I had a cute dress of hers a few years back, but what was cute is that it was unrecognizably Orla. Ahaa. Her mojo is like Hervé Chapelier to me. If you aren't familiar with my distain, read on. So I really just need an upgrade on a basic black beauty. That's what my Dad calls my current luggage. Black beauty is nondescript, but I can always find her on the carrousel because she's big, black and at least 20pds over weight, average, on any given trip. Her explosive size is unmissable. (New word). And yes, by now you have picked up on that my suitcase is female. But she's a road warrior for sure, just like me! Tootalu for now. (Tumi Campaign)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Did anyone see the Miss USA pageant last night? Apparently Virginia was in the top five. Woot woot. Barf. Can't stand pageants. Though Toddlers and Tiaras cracks me up. Anyway, this weekend was oh so pleasurable. I enjoyed some sunny weather, finished a great book, accomplished a monsterous amount of errands, and picked myself up a new pair of J Brands. Truly I think JB is my most favorite line of jeans. The selection and styles are endless and always cutting edge current. Though featured earlier this Spring, I haven't been satisfied with my military trend inspired findings yet. I have a belt, but I have been wanting the perfect cargo look. I spied some J Brand's a month ago and thought for sure they'd be swept off every store shelf by now so had somewhat given up on the pursuit. But yesterday, as if meant to be for me, I stumbled upon them, one pair left in my size, fit like a glove. They're called the Houlihan and have a skinny leg with side cargo pockets and ankle zips just like these from the runway. Military mission accomplished. (Balmain Spring 10).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Denim Deliverance

A couple weeks back I broached a delicate subject, apparently. That of the jean jacket. Thanks to many comments and emails, I have been enlightened by a vas array of mixed opinions. Though I can't say I have jumped the fence for a replacement JJ of my 5 year gone Theory favorite, nor have I followed through on a vest, I have decided I'm getting a denim shirt. I'm liking this look, a little nod to the wild west, while managing a denim deliverance in my Spring/Summer ensemble. (Dolce and Gabbana Spring 10)

LC Shop-It Reco: Almost as much a steal as the vest, this shirt from Lucky is on order and expected to arrive Monday. Giddy up.

Rain Rain Go Away

As if this cold wasn't bad enough, now it's raining too. And I have had Milli Vanilli's Blame It On The Rain stuck in my head for the past 24 hours. Double bad. I did love me some Rob and Fab though. We all went to their concert in the middle school, and swore that Fab, the cuter one, was singing directly to us. We were in the third throw and those lip synced lyrics were setting our teenage hearts on fire. And some rain was needed to put those flames out. But for today, I say rain rain go away. This picture reminds me of lighter, brighter, airy-er days. Its soft, ethereal and au natural vibe has a simple, yet divine sophistication. It also makes me want to work on a warm summer glow (when the sun returns) to match up with some neutral tones. (Vogue Nippon June 10)

LC Shop-It Reco: Check out this silk racer back top from See by Chloé. It combines flare and femininity along with white, beige and a subtle pinstripe. Pair it with a white blouse for additional texturing and visual interest, and you've got this look!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tight Spot

If you're an East Coaster, you're experiencing an unusual drop in temperature. Just as quickly as the AC went on, it's off again while we weather this momentary chill factor. It probably won't last but another few days, though I'm no Tim Timberlake. TT's a Richmond meteorologist who the locals should know. He also used to be married to our highschool french teacher. Little trivia for ya'. Anyhoo, if this mother nature snafu has you a smidge bit ticked that your warmer wears are packed up until next Fall and frustrated that your freshly tanned legs from the weekend can't be showcased, hush. You've got exactly what you need to manage through this tight spot. Take any of your fun Spring frocks, dresses or skirts, and throw on some black stockings with either. I promise this is fashionably kosher. So one more time, do the stretch, tug and pull and stuff those legs back into your HUE's and quit your shivering. (Tracy Reese Fall 09 Runway)

LC Shop-It Reco: No one should ever be without a basic pair of black opaque tights, and if you are currently, this reco is a fail. But if you have them, you can focus on your dress. Love this cutie from Tracy Reese. Picture it with your tights. Perfect chill factor solution.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Buenos Baby

I'll be in Buenos Aires at the end of the month on Holiday. Yay Argentina! And yay to my sweet, sweet cousin for extending the invitation. I need to start reading my travel books on the country and BA area to brush up on the lay of the land. Not to mention brushing up on my Espanol. But what have I been doing instead? Planning my wardrobe but of course. This much I do know, it's Winter in South America this time of year, so I'll be taking long pants, long dresses and layers. And looky look what I found -- this macramé and multicolored DVF diddy. Easy, flowing, comfy, and with a sweater and scarf, perfect for the culture and climate. Can't wait to see you cous! Besos. (Patrick Demarchelier)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Black Out

Lordy lordy. Apparently I have been suffering from a mean ambien hangover today. And pizza can't even cure it. Popped one of those puppies last night, and wow, my brain is still flat on its back 24 hours later. Down right blacked out. That can happen in fashion too. Ever experienced it? You stare in the closet and your brain just goes blank. It's normal, don't worry. Sometimes your fashion sense just needs a rest. So when you go dark on what to wear, do exactly that, go dark. Black is amazingly great for so many reasons, and especially when you have no clue what to put on your body. Just black out. Which apparently is my state -- so I'll be back Monday. (Paolo Roversi)

LC Shop-It Reco: A basic cotton-jersey, loose fitting, nothingness black dress - like this one from Juicy. But what a fun idea to add a little spice with those Like a Virgin leggings. A-dorable!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Un Chapeau

One of my favorite french words is un chapeau, meaning hat. It's just so cute, and well, so very french in both pronunciation and fashion. Spend any time in France and you'll be sure to see many to most wearing un chapeau, almost regularly. When I lived there I subscribed to the "cafe-way" - that of an outdoor seating area, coffee, a cigarette, and a hat. By the way, I am not stereotyping the French, if I wasn't American, I'd be French. Love em'! And a further aside, I never have been a coffee drinker or smoker, but when I lived in France, I totally embraced it. Anyway, it doesn't take a transcontinental trip to wear un chapeau. Hats are just outright cool, period. And right now I am absolutely crazy in love with Eugenia Kim's. A New Yorker who one day received a bad hair cut, been there, and needed a means to disguise it, Kim turned to hats. Which became her life and living. She's known for her unique fabrics and fun expression of traditional hat styles. Her collections are sold in all the hot spots in NYC and LA and many a celebrity head has been dawning her wears as of late. You'll pay a pretty price to become an EK follower, but good news, she has a mid-tier line available at Target. Quelle bonne idee!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One Of A Kind

A quick follow up on summer options for keeping warm when the AC is up. I love scarves. I have tons and tons, none of which are solely reserved for Winter months. That's just narrow minded thinking. They're a perfectly good year round accessory and a quite functional solution to indoor cooler temps. And trust me, anyone who has style will not pass a questioning eye if they see you bundled up mid-Summer. Check out these yummies by Brightly Twisted. A throw back to tie dye done in a current modern way makes these scarves are a definite statement piece. Designers Greg Stemas and Tammy Bourque create them entirely by hand such that each is one of a kind with its own unique streaks and pattern. (Milan Fashion Week)

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Nip Out

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. It was sunny and super hot in Virginia, 92 degrees. Suntans and AC units were in full effect. And unless this heat wave is only temporary, you can expect the latter from your office as well. I call this time of year the "corporate freeze". It lasts from May to October, takes places in buildings occupied by 50 plus people, consists of sub-zero temperatures blowing mock speed, and brings about ... the nip out. That’s right, I said it, nip! Well it’s true and it’s a widespread epidemic for many women who are subjected to cold cubes and deprivation of space heaters due to supposed fire hazards. Fortunately my office accommodates the occasional outburst from my desk just as I near hypothermic conditions and they'll then regulate the temperature in my area. But even still, the minute I leave my den of warmth, there’s an arctic blast right around the corner. It took me awhile to get smart on this -- but just like you should always take an extra layer to a movie or on an airplane, your office is no exception. Duh. I recommend finding a token summer weight sweater or wrap to leave on stand by at your place of work. One or two actually. Pick a neutral style and color and it literally can be pulled out of your drawer, thrown on with anything, and take you all the way until the heat kicks back on next Fall. Though I do recommend one or two trips to the dry cleaners in between.

LC Shop-It Reco: To minimize teeth chatter, ice formations on your fingers and nips from nipping, try this yummy, warm basic from Calypso.